Data protection

Data privacy

The operators of these pages take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We treat your personal data confidentially and in accordance with GDPR and this data protection declaration.

The use of our website is generally possible without providing personal data. As far as personal data (for example name, address or e-mail address) are collected on this website, this happens, as far as possible, always on voluntary basis. This data will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent.

We would like to point out that data transmission over the Internet (e.g. communication by e-mail) can have security gaps. A complete protection of data against access by third parties is not possible.


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Server log files

The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to the provider. These are:
These are:

  • browser type/ browser version
  • operating system used
  • Referrer URL
  • host name of the accessing computer
  • Time of the server request

These data cannot be assigned to specific persons. We will not combine this data with other data sources. We reserve the right to check these data subsequently if we become aware of concrete indications of an illegal use.


If you send us inquiries via the contact email address, your inquiry as well as your contact data from the email inquiry will be stored for the purpose of processing the inquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We will not pass on this data without your consent.

Data processing

We collect, process and use personal data only to the extent necessary for the purpose of the website, to provide information on study and preservation of Japanese swords (Nihonto) and processing of applications for membership in NBTHK EB.
We collect, process and use personal data about the use of our Internet pages (usage data) only to the extent necessary to enable the user to use the service.

Information, erasure, correction of personal data

You have the right to receive free information about your stored personal data, their origin and recipients and the purpose of the data processing as well as a right to erasure of personal data or correction of these data.

You can contact us at the email if you have any further questions about our data protection policy.

Privacy Policy of the Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai (European Branch)

This privacy policy explains how we collect, use and process personal information within our association and how we also share it with international organisations.

The Society for the Conservation and Study of the Japanese Sword. European Branch – Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai (European Branch) (further NBTHK EB) processes the personal information exclusively for the pursuit of the aims of the association and for the assistance and administration of the members.

The aim of the association is to preserve Japanese swords (Nihonto), which are intended, recognized or registered as important cultural assets or as works of art, and to promote studies of Japanese swordsmithing. Among other things, the association offers information and assistance on the proper maintenance, care and repair of Japanese swords, as well as their accessories/fitting (Tosogu, Koschirae, etc.), and organizes study events to achieve the aims of the association.

Storage of members’ data:

With the affiliation of a new member the association will record his name, address, telephone number (optional) and e-mail address. This information is stored in the computer systems:

  • of the association (supervisor – Officer for IT),
  • of treasurer,
  • of communication officer for Parent house,
  • of communication officer for members.

The personal data in those systems are protected by suitable technical and organisational measures from third-party access.

Storage of non-members’ data:

Information about non-members is stored by the association in the following two cases:

  1. If you send us an enquiry at our contact e-mail address, your enquiry and your contact data from the e-mail enquiry will be stored for the purpose of processing the enquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We will not pass on this data without your consent.
  2. If a non-member wants to attend a study meeting of the association as a guest. In this case, the name, address and e-mail address of the non-member will be stored. The purpose of the collection of personal data in this case is to ensure liability in case objects provided for study are damaged by a guest. A non-member must give corresponding consent for data processing in order to be able to participate as a guest in a study meeting of the association.

This data is stored in the computer systems:

  • of the association (supervisor – officer for IT) and
  • of communication officer for members.

The personal data in those systems are protected by suitable technical and organisational measures from third-party access.

The data are stored for at least one year and then deleted at the end of the financial year (currently 31 March of the respective calendar year).

Transfer of the personal data to international organizations:

Our association NBTHK EB is an European Branch of our parent company Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai, 1-12-9 Yokoami, Sumida-ku, Tokyo, Japan 130-0015 (further NBTHK Japan). The aims of our association are achieved in close cooperation with the parent company. To provide the closest integration, the members of our association are also registered as members of NBTHK Japan. Every member joins NBTHK EB with the intention to become also a member of NBTHK Japan.

For this purpose, the personal data of the members (name and address) are transferred to NBTHK Japan. Thus our members also become members of NBTHK Japan and enjoy among other things the following essential advantages:

  • Monthly magazine “Token Bijutsu”;
  • Numerous discounts when visiting (mostly Japanese) museums;
  • Possibility of participation in the events of NBTHK Japan.

Every member joins NBTHK EB with the intention to become also a member of NBTHK Japan. A member voluntarily signs a consent for the transfer of his own personal data to NBTHK Japan, which he can revoke at any time. With the revocation of the consent for the data transfer to NBTHK Japan, the membership of the member in NBTHK Japan and NBTHK EB expires automatically at the end of the business year (currently 31 March of the respective calendar year).

Further processing of members’ personal data:

To promote the aims of the association, we inform our members about current events, study meetings and other Nihonto related information per e-mail:

  1. NBTHK EB provides its members with a professional translation of the most important articles of the monthly magazine “Token Bijutsu” into German and English. These translations are distributed to members by e-mail on a monthly basis.
  2. Invitations to and reports on the study meetings of the association are sent (usually) bimonthly.
  3. Further information relevant for the achievement of the association’s aims is also distributed per e-mail.

Members’ privacy and confidentiality:

In our association, especially as collectors ourselves, we take the protection of our members’ privacy and confidentiality very seriously.

Publication of personal data in reports on study meetings:

After a study meeting, a report on the meeting is usually provided to all members of NBTHK EB per e-mail. The association does not publish its reports on the Internet. The report usually contains latest information from the meeting, its agenda and course and as well as the most important objects provided for study in the meeting. In this context, some individual members may be named personally in the report (e.g. name of the lecturer, name of a member who accomplished in a Kantei competition, etc.). We also sometimes publish a group photo from the meeting in the report. New members are informed about personal data we might publish in meeting reports. Any member may object to such publication at any time vis-à-vis the Board or the Communication officer for members. In the event of an objection, no further publication shall be made in the subsequent reports with regard to the objecting member. We never publish in the reports any information on the owners of the objects provided for study.

Termination of the membership. Erasure of data:

When membership expires, name, address, telephone number (if stored) and e-mail address of the former member will be erased from the membership list.

To preserve the history of the association, we keep an archive. The data of former members will be retained in this archive. This information is stored in the computer systems:

  • of treasurer and
  • of communication officer for members.

The personal data in those systems are protected by suitable technical and organisational measures from third-party access.

Personal data of the resigning member concerning the treasury administration will be kept for up to ten years from the written confirmation of the resignation by the Board in accordance with the tax law regulations.

In case of resignation from the officer of the association:

  • officer for IT,
  • treasurer,
  • communication officer for Parent house,
  • communication officer for members

the Board shall ensure that the resigning officer issues a written assurance that all personal data has been erased from its computer systems (including back-up copies).

Information, erasure, correction of personal data.

You have the right to receive free information about your stored personal data, their origin and recipients and the purpose of the data processing as well as a right to erasure of personal data or correction of these data.

You can contact us at the email if you have any further questions about our Privacy Policy.

Approved in the members’ meeting on 19.05.2018 (Klosterhof 4, 42653 Solingen, Germany).

This Privacy Policy is effective as of May 25, 2018.

Nihon Collection